The Call-to-Action (CTA) feature and how to use it.
The KangenDemo website is quite versatile and we've just added yet another amazing feature to it! Now you can configure your KangenDemo website to popup a call-to-action opt-in form and configure it to do anything you want!
Why this feature?
You already have an opt-in to watch video feature via ENAGIC•MOBI, why do you need anything else? Because it all depends on your marketing and conversion rates. You might find that your particular marketing isn't converting the opt-in to watch video so well, and if so, you might want to try marketing a video that is playable immediately, with a call-to-action form that pops up at some configurable time as the video plays. Let your video do the initial pitch, then pop the call-to-action once they are hooked.
How does it work?
The CTA is meant to be hidden from view until a certain timing of the video is played, then it pops up on the screen, not obscuring the video, but still visible no matter if you are on desktop or mobile.
Because you may use the KangenDemo site in many different ways, we created the CTA to only work on specified videos, that way your call to action content can be compelling and relevant to the video being watched, and it won't interfere with any of your other KangenDemo uses. If you want a generic CTA to work on ANY video played, we have that scenario covered too, you'll simply configure it for "All" videos.
The CTA will take the actions you configure for every opt-in you get.
How to use it?
First make sure your membership is upgraded to any paid membership level.
Navigate in your Backoffice to Website Manager
From the MANAGE menu in the upper right, click KANGENDEMO
Click the Configure Call-to-Action Feature button
Each option here has a (?) icon if you need additional help understanding the options
Select a video you want the CTA to pop-up on, or select "All" to enable it for all videos. NOTE: the automatic pop-up of CTA will not work with youtube videos from the old Video Manager library!
Down below you can decide if you want a button to display at all times allowing end-user to pop your CTA and you can also write your own CTA copy. Take note, you are responsible for all custom content you add to your, and if any non-compliant income or health claims are found, it may result in suspension or termination of your Distributorship. Be responsible, content IS reviewed!
How to get links to specific videos that will trigger the CTA?
The new Video Manager feature allows you to search for videos you may want to use with your new CTA. Explore a vast growing library of videos to use!
When you mouse over a video in the list, there are two icons that appear, one that lets you copy a custom URL for that video which will load via your KangenDemo website, and another that will just launch the URL in a new browser window. Use those to get the targeted URLs you want for your advertising.
Members on the Leader Plan can upload videos to this system (we don't do youtube links anymore as youtube has become increasingly hostile toward it). You will need a video file, then click "Add Video" to upload it. The system will automatically transcode your video file into many formats best for web viewing.
If you are not on Leader Plan or cannot afford the upgrade, there are still ways to build your custom list! Just reach out to your upline who may be on Leader or can activate the Leader plan. Have them upload the video for you, then they can copy the "TeamShare" link after uploading. Once you, or anyone, clicks that TeamShare link, it will make that new video accessible to you!
This can be done easily with many videos, if a Leader uploads many videos, they can then Create a Playlist out of them. Then they TeamShare the playlist! That will automatically make all videos in it accessible to those who use the TeamShare link!