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Ukon Frequently Asked Questions
Ukon Frequently Asked Questions

Answers provided by Enagic for Frequently asked questions about Ukon

Jeff Delgado avatar
Written by Jeff Delgado
Updated over 4 years ago

How often does Enagic® pay commission for Ukon DD?

When a customer signs up for Ukon DD, they agree to the terms of the auto-ship program, and they will automatically receive Ukon DD every 4 months. As a result, you will accumulate Ukon commission every 4 months for each Ukon DD customer. The billing date for each customer is different - it's the same day of the month that they originally signed up for Ukon. Therefore, you may receive Ukon commission checks throughout the entire month. $160 needs to be accumulated in Ukon DD commission before checks are mailed.

How long will it take to get my commission check?

For machine orders, your check will be mailed 10-13 business days after the order is processed.

  • Ukon Sigma commissions are mailed out 10 business days after processing.

  • For Ukon DD, $160 needs to be accumulated before the check is mailed.

  • For Ukon DD renewals, $160 needs to be accumulated before a check is mailed.

  • Except:Orders paid with a "personal check": checks will be issued 3 weeks after the sale has been made to ensure the check clears.Orders paid with a "personal check" with a back-up credit card: everyone will be paid in 10 business days.

How long after my downline's machine is paid off do I need to wait to receive my commission check?

It can take up to 4-5 weeks before the commission check is processed and issued after a machine has been paid off. It takes 6-8 weeks for a check to be issued after an account that was in Collections is paid off.

Will I receive commission on my own purchase of an Enagic product?

When you become an Enagic Independent Distributor, your initial purchase of a product will not result in commission being issued to yourself. You would receive commission on the sales you sell thereafter to your downline, or if you purchase multiple products from yourself (a “self-purchase”).

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