If you stopped making payments for your Enagic Backoffice System then your account will be automatically downgraded a Free Basic one to get Distributor Area Access only.
If you want to get all your paid account features back, or if you want to upgrade and get more features, then follow the next steps:
Login to your Backoffice at https://www.enagicwebsystem.com - LOGIN.
Click on Settings, on the left menu.
Then click on "Upgrade plan"
Select a Plan with the options and features that best suit you and your business. Our most popular plan is Distributor, but you get the most value with Leader.
Choose a payment method.
Wait for our system to process your payment .
Once payment is received, your Enagic Backoffice System will automatically upgrade. You can then access all your new features.
IMPORTANT: you don't need to register and do the validation process again. Even if account payments have been discontinued, your username and password are still registered in the System.