We regularly create ready to use Social Media campaigns that can automatically post to your Facebook Business Page however if you want to create your own personalized campaign for Facebook and share it with your team then follow these instructions.
This article assumes that you have authenticated your Facebook account with Enagic Web System and have read the article "Getting Started with EWS Social Campaigns"
1 - Create Social Media Post Templates
To get started with your own Social Campaign for Facebook click on "Social Campaigns" in the main EWS back office.
To create a new post template click on "Create Post" at the right hand side of the screen.
Enter the content for your social post into the box "Social Post Content", this text should be written to engage the Facebook User and have them wanting to learn more and click on a Call to Action (CTA) that will provide them with a link to further information or to a form to request and eBook or sign up to get further information.
Your Calls to Action are easy to create by using Content Tokens that will create a link within your post to one of your Enagic Web System assets. You can select the Website or Landing Page you want to use and then add the parameters to the URL to get the user to the right page i.e !URL_E2!/?c=products would link the user to the products page on your E2 Website. We also have a universal landing page where Facebook Users can complete their details to receive more information.
You can upload one or more images to your Facebook Post, if you are creating your own images then they should have the dimensions 1200px Wide by 630px High and can be uploaded by dropping them onto the post or clicking to upload.
If you do not have any images then you can choose the images you would like to use from our extensive image library by clicking "Select from Library" and these images will be included with your post.
Once you have created the post then you will need to name the Post Template with a name that helps clearly identify the content within the post. Post Templates can also be tagged so you know the content that is within the post and can find it in the future. It is recommended that if you are creating a series of posts that all work together or are on a theme that you tag the posts with the name of the campaign i.e "Summer 2021 - The Best Summer Yet" so that you can easily find all of the posts when scheduling a campaign.
If you intend to share your posts with your team and you want to add to some customization instructions then you can enter them in the box provided. This would be in cases when you want your team members to perhaps upload a photograph of them standing proudly next to their Enagic products.
Once you have entered all of the details then click "Save". Continue this process for each post template you want to create.
You can can now post each template individually by returning to the "Post Templates" page and then finding the post template and clicking the "Rocket" icon to post directly to your page. If you want to create a campaign made up of many post templates to be delivered over a period of time then keep reading.
2 - Creating a campaign
Once you have created your Post Templates then you can create your scheduled campaign by clicking on "Social Campaigns" then "Create Campaign" on the right hand side.
To create your campaign give it a name and a brief description that will help you and your team understand what the campaign contains and its purpose.
Like the "Post Templates" you can also tag your campaigns so that it can easily be found in the future.
To create your campaign simply look search for the "Post Templates" you want to use from the right hand side of the screen. To add a "Post Template" to the campaign simply click the "arrow" icon and the "Post Template" will appear in the schedule on the left hand side. Repeat this process for all of the "Post Templates" you want to appear in the campaign.
Once you have added the "Post Templates" then you can schedule the posts to be automatically posted on a schedule by updating the "days", if you want a campaign to start start straight away then put 0 for the first post and then if you require a post once a week then update the "days" to 7 for all other "Post Templates", if you want to make a post every day then update the "days" to 1 and this will automatically make the post 1 day after the last post.
Once you have created your campaign click "Save". Your newly created campaign will now appear in the "Social Campaigns" menu.
3 - Starting Your Campaign
Now that you have created your campaign simply click "Start Campaign" and your campaign will automatically post.
4 - Sharing with your team.
You can easily share the campaign with your team by clicking on the "TeamShare Link" button, this will copy the TeamShare Link URL that you can paste into an email or message and send it to your team or anyone who you want to have access to your Social Campaign.
If you have any questions about the EWS Social Campaigns or would like to suggest a new feature then please contact support.