This guide explains what is a landing page and then how to use the EWS Landing Page tool to create your own landing pages.
Landing Pages 101
Landing pages in online marketing are usually single web pages that will be shown in response to clicks from marketing activity such as online advertising, promotions, emails and search engine results.
Landing pages differ from websites as a website is traditionally aimed at a broader audience with a wider range of needs until they are qualified and directed to the content that meets their needs. Landing pages on the other hand should function for a single message and then push them towards a strong call to action without taking the reader's attention to other areas of your website.
Known by many names such as "squeeze page", "lead capture page", "stand alone page" and "funnel page" along with various other variations that at their core use the same methodology of allowing you to narrow your focus and goal of providing value that will lead to action.
Landing pages can be used to tailor your message to your buyer profile so that you can provide the right message at the right time to the right person, increasing your conversion rates.
Create your own Landing Page
Below is a step by step guide to creating a landing page on EWS. Landing pages are available on all paid EWS membership plans. Members on distributor and leader membership plans can create unlimited landing pages while those on our starter package are limited to just two landing pages.
1 - Create a Landing Page
To get started with your own Landing Page click on "Landing Pages" in the main EWS back office menu.
To create a new landing page click on "Add Page" at the right hand side of the screen.
Enable Landing Page
This drop down field allows you to turn your pages on and off. This will be useful if you are running a campaign with an end date as you can turn it off once the campaign has expired.
Enter a descriptive title for your landing page.
Describe your landing page and the goal. Remember if you are a leader and going to share this with your team it is important to provide details to help your team members understand the purpose of the page and how it should be used.
2 - Choose Your Video
Our landing pages center around using videos and calls to action. You can set which video you want to display when the page loads.
Show which videos
Select the video that you would like to use for the landing page by typing the title of the video in the search box and then clicking on the video you would like to use. You can find and watch the videos you have available to use in the EWS video manager.
You can add multiple videos so that once the video plays the next video will be shown.
Show at what percent video played
You can set the time at which you want your call to action to be shown by changing the percentage watched of the video. If you choose 0% then the call to action will display when the page loads, if you choose a greater percentage then your contact details will be shown along with a call to action button until they have watched your desired percentage is watched and then your contact details will be replaced with the call to action.
3 - Choose Your Opt-in actions
Once a visitor enters their details into the form and submits it then you can decide what happens.
Add opt-ins to group
Choose the groups that the contact will be subscribed to when they submit. You can subscribe contacts to multiple groups. If you wish to track contacts who subscribe through your landing pages then you can create a group called "Landing Page Opt-ins" for example or something more specific such as "Demo Landing Page Opt-ins" if you wish to be more granular in your communications.
What actions on opt-in
When a visitor opts in then you can choose which of the eBooks you would automatically like to send via email or text message to the prospect.
You can specify which of the campaigns your prospect should be added to upon subscription. This will automatically enter your prospect into a series of educational emails over a period of time.
Redirect after opt-in
When a new opted-in contact is received you can decide if you want to redirect the contact to another landing page or to one of your EWS websites for further information. This step is optional and if you leave the field blank then there will be no redirect and the visitor will receive an on-screen notification that they are signed up.
4 - Your call to action
Your EWS Landing pages allow you to write your own call to action to let your visitor or prospect know that the value you will provide them when they opt-in. All content must be compliant with Enagic Policies and will be regularly reviewed to ensure it follows all guidelines.
CTA Button
The (CTA) Call To Action button will show under your contact details on the landing page and when clicked will open up the subscription form.
You can specify if this button is displayed or not. In cases when you have your CTA Percentage set to 0 then this button will not be visible unless the opt-in form is closed by the visitor.
CTA Headline 1
The headline is your opportunity to write a short and to the point message that will get the visitors attention. This could be the title of the video you will be showing or a statement related to the video.
CTA Content
Add formatted content to your call to action to reinforce or clarify what content is in the video and happen when the visitor signs up. You can add HTML buttons to your call to action that when clicked will redirect your visitor to another landing or web page using the "Advanced Landing Page Techniques" described below.
CTA Headline 2
Add a secondary headline to your call to action. This headline is especially useful if your initial CTA headline is not a call to sign up, in this case you can use the "CTA Headline 2" to ask the visitor to sign up.
Page Content
This content will be shown below the video and form and acts as an area where you can further explain the video or provide valuable content and links to help the visitor make their decision.
Advanced Landing Page Techniques
Landing Pages are one of the key elements of the EWS Funnel as they form an integral part of the visitors journey to becoming a customer. The advanced techniques below are designed to give you ideas and knowledge to be able to customize your journey and squeeze every ounce of value out of the tool.
1 - Landing Page Chains
If your sales strategy calls for a series of landing pages then you can create multiple landing pages that can be chained together. This method is suitable for those EWS members on the Distributor and Leader packages as you can have unlimited landing pages.
Chaining landing pages together allows you to send a landing page to your contact and then have buttons that will link to other landing pages you have created based upon the response from the contact. For example you could have a series of pages with videos from the library or ones you have created yourself that form an educational pathway as the contact watches each video you can further qualify them by using links to other landing pages i.e if you have a product video you can then ask the question if the contact is interested in the product if they click "Yes" then they can be direct to a page about the products or alternatively you could ask them if they are interested in the opportunity and then link them to a video about the opportunity.
2 - HTML Buttons
HTML Buttons allow you to create clickable buttons that can move your contact to a new web or landing page in the same or a new browser window. You can add HTML buttons to your landing pages in both the "CTA Content" and "Page Content". You can add buttons by clicking on the "< >" icon in the landing page configuration. You should probably have a basic understanding of HTML to use this technique however if you don't then you can just copy the code below and make a few changes.
Your buttons need to have a URL which is where the button will link when clicked and the actual text that is on the button.
In the code below you can simply change [URL GOES HERE] to the URL you want to link to i.e Remember to replace all of the [URL GOES HERE] including the brackets.
To change the text on the button then simply change [Button Text] to the text you want on the button i.e Click Me Now. Remember to replace all of the [Button Text] including the brackets.
If you know a little HTML and CSS then you can change other elements of the button to change the color, size, border and padding along with other style variables.
There are two types of buttons, the first button opens the URL in the same browser window and the second button opens a new window. You can decide if you think the contact should be shown the page in the same window or a new window. If the new page is a pathway then we recommend the same window however if the new page is secondary then we recommend a new window.
Link Button - Same Window
<p><a href="[URL GOES HERE]"><button style="background-color: #0069d9; color: #fff; padding:10px; border-radius: 5px; border:0px; width:100%">[Button Text]</button>
Link Button - New Window
<p><a href="[URL GOES HERE]" target="_ewslanding"><button style="background-color: #0069d9; color: #fff; padding:10px; border-radius: 5px; border:0px; width:100%">[Button Text]</button>
3 - TeamShare Landing Pages
If you are a leader and wish to share your landing pages with your team then go to the main landing page menu and simply click on the TeamShare icon for the landing page you wish to share to copy the team share link and send it to your team member. Your team member can click the link and then accept the landing page into their EWS account. Please note that if you have used HTML buttons in the page then further configuration may be needed by the team member to link the pages to their own landing pages or assets.
You should by now have an understanding of what a landing page is and how to create them using EWS. The next steps are to get started creating pages and test what works for you until you come across a combination of video and Call to Action that gives you the results you are looking for. Once you have found the combination that works for your audience then you can share it with your team.